One Dark Day Arts

In children’s stories, ‘once upon a time’ introduces adventures into the imagination; like fairytale stories of princesses, and dragon-fighting knights, or a dreamer gazing to the stars ‘boldly going where no man has gone before’
‘One Dark Day’ begins our story…our artistic adventure.
So grab your sandwiches, a flask of your favourite brew and join me on this magical journey…but don’t forget your flashlight – for it be dark where we’re headed.
Stickers Yo!

I would like to welcome all the kind people of the internet to this exclusively inclusive Army. We are war hardened veterans and say what you want, but keep my name out your mouth.
If you choose to include yourself in our ranks be prepared for more art and creativity than you can shake a stick at.
Don’t count your days, make your days count…
Pvt. Parts
Daniel Waller

Maker of models, scratch builds out of styrene. Armed with my trusty scalpel, rule and cutting mat.
If I can visualise it in my head finished I can design and make it, it’s all about the details and a cracking paint job.
Love seeing these creations come off the page and come to life. Based at a desk in Surrey England.
Sketched Reality

My name is Brandon Brown aka Sketched Reality. I am from Charlotte North Carolina. I specialize in black and white pen and ink drawings. I love pokémon, but enjoy drawing pretty much anything!

ewan stinks, but he is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good at drawing.
Little Paper Flower Warrior

My name is Jen, but I’m known as the littlepaperflowerwarrior on instagram.
I am a UK paper flower artist/paper flower ninja. Originally from the North East of England and proper proud of my heritage – canny lads and lasses – I now live in Sheffield.
Although I predominantly create botanically accurate flowers out of paper, I can and have made other things out of paper.
I’m also always up for a mixed media collaboration.

Pat Saldaña is an artist, filmmaker, prop / costume designer, musician, and trusted pal.
He is originally from Chicago, Illinois and has recently moved to Charleston, South Carolina, and is no longer a northern yankee.
Pat has drawn pictures from an early age, always encouraged by his family. After a friend once gave him a pirated version of Lightwave3D, he realized you could ‘draw within’ the 2d plane. He has been tinkering in 3D ever since. Weapons of choice – 3dsMax and Photoshop.
You can see his stuff on the internet under PTSLDN
CEL Draws

I like to draw stuff. By no means a professional, a mere hobbyist wish hopes one day to change that. Primarily Traditional drawings. See what I’m drawing on my Instagram. More Robots sure to come, along with other things too.
Unhappy Bagel

I am Unhappy Bagel, a (mostly) digital graphic designer from Houston, Texas. I have always had a love for robots and robotic designs, gathering a lot of inspiration from the original Star Wars trilogy and cyberpunk-esc illustrators like Katsuhiro Otomo. I draw other stuff too, but robots have always been a staple for me.
Albert Fisk

I’m a full time artist based in Stockholm/Sweden working in the game industry with 2D animation. For my personal work I tend to stick to traditional mediums, mostly acrylics but I also really enjoy working with mixed media.
I love dark art and body horror but my own work is more in the lowbrow / creepy cute genre. I also paint some fleshy things here and there!