Draw me a Robot

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I’m a digital artist focusing on sci fi. Created 100 robots. Working on 100 ships. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

Jon Turner

Scribbler, roboteer, fully-functioning human man. Jon Turner is an artist an illustrator from Manchester, UK, who uses traditional pen and ink techniques to create a melancholy fantasy world populated by lonely ghosts, wandering spirits, and – of course – sad robots.


I’m Mike Conceiçao. I live in the UK
Creative Mind
Artist-Musician & Digital Marketing and branding.
Photographer and Video Maker
Body piercer tattoo artist.

Clay Graham Art

Illustrator, graphic artist, avid gamer and huge fan of all things pop (and not-so-pop) culture. Born in the ’80s and raised in the ’90s.


I’m an engineer turned full-time illustrator.

Carlyle Workman Art

Amateur illustrator who dabbles in all things art! I love to draw squishy monsters and Big-armed robots! I’m always up for a fun commission if they idea is solid and the price is right. Long live the Robot Army.

Chromatic Habitat

My name is Russell, and I’m an illustrator & photographer in the Pacific Northwest, USA. My artwork is made from hand-cutting illustrations, and capturing them in real world locations. Bridging the gap between imagination, and reality. I am laser-focused on making this a career by publishing immersive picture books anyone can enjoy.


Born, raised and ruined in New York.
Comics and cartoons sparked my interest.
Graffiti opened up my view of other types of artwork.
Fine art kept me interested.
Create a visual language of imagery that has become recognizable to the viewer.
Throw in music, family and friends… Oh and some more cartoons and you have ChrisRWK

Smugs Bunny

My name is Smugs and I’m a bunny. My favorite things are crossing streets and tacos. I was born in LA around 2012 and my best friend is a giraffe. I like robots more than I like humans.

Roland Wakefield

An Arizona based artist empowered with the artistic skills of a radioactive mollusk he met in Cleve-Land named Carlos. Digital and traditional atrocities created for a price… or for a really good MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.