Cj Scerpella

A doodling daydreamer from the Midwest, USA.
My art at any given time is a reflection of what captures my imagination & influences my thoughts. I draw inspiration from everyone and everything around me; and have a fondness for the things that came before us. I appreciate the power of cartoons to communicate the complexities of life across time and their ability to inform as well as entertain.
Thanks for coming on this art-journey with me.

After 20 years of being frozen in the Arctic ice caps, I emerged with a mission… To learn to draw all over again, one cool pic at a time.

Hi, I’m Ashley! Florida artist and maker of things, vibrating with the anxiety of 1,000 suns. I collect hobbies, creators, and hobby-creators – such as laser cutters, 3D printers, heat presses, screen print presses, and dye-sub printers. My favorite shows are my inspiration for the useful everyday junk I haul to cons.
Models Available and made to Commission

Beautifully Crafted Models and Protoypes
One Dark Day Arts

In children’s stories, ‘once upon a time’ introduces adventures into the imagination; like fairytale stories of princesses, and dragon-fighting knights, or a dreamer gazing to the stars ‘boldly going where no man has gone before’
‘One Dark Day’ begins our story…our artistic adventure.
So grab your sandwiches, a flask of your favourite brew and join me on this magical journey…but don’t forget your flashlight – for it be dark where we’re headed.
Stickers Yo!

I would like to welcome all the kind people of the internet to this exclusively inclusive Army. We are war hardened veterans and say what you want, but keep my name out your mouth.
If you choose to include yourself in our ranks be prepared for more art and creativity than you can shake a stick at.
Don’t count your days, make your days count…
Pvt. Parts
Daniel Waller

Maker of models, scratch builds out of styrene. Armed with my trusty scalpel, rule and cutting mat.
If I can visualise it in my head finished I can design and make it, it’s all about the details and a cracking paint job.
Love seeing these creations come off the page and come to life. Based at a desk in Surrey England.
Sketched Reality

My name is Brandon Brown aka Sketched Reality. I am from Charlotte North Carolina. I specialize in black and white pen and ink drawings. I love pokémon, but enjoy drawing pretty much anything!
Little Paper Flowers

Beautiful hand-crafted flowers from the Robot Army’s very own @littlepaperflowerwarrior.

ewan stinks, but he is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good at drawing.