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TYME Illustration

My name is Tyler Melton. I am an ever-growing, always learning, usually out-of-my-mind artist.. Much of my work consists of weird, wacky, and sometimes disturbing characters and creatures. I also throw in the occasional bot (winky face). While most would consider my style as a pretty refined one, with consistent bold line-work, vivid colors, and a general looseness, I do tend to dabble in other styles. To me, it is important to study other works and styles in order to grow your own. And the best way to do that is to copy! So, to sum myself up; I’m Tyler, I like monsters and bots and throwing in the occasional willie (did I not mention that earlier?), and my work is bold and strange… and I am ok with that.

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If you DON’T have a gmail account, no problem, there is an alternative form here, but please use the google form if you can as it makes the process much easier for us.

Use this form to raise any queries about artwork submissions for the DMAR Deck. Anything you send on this form will be received by the team responsible for realising the project as well as Arik personally. We will try to respond by email within a day or so.