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New Develop­­ments at DMAR HQ

Having received, unpacked unwrapped downloaded, and uploaded the first seventy Robot Army Portfolios manually, your faithful team of web-elves noticed that our typing fingers were wearing out and so we engaged the help of web genius and tech wizard Tyler Garland So now our fingers don’t hurt so much and probably we’ll be making fewer […]

DTIYS Challenge May 2023

Here is May’s DTIYS CHALLENGE, with an epic prompt from @jfarms__ ! For this month’s challenge we want you to draw the scene from the picture above in your own style or draw the Tentacle-Bot in a scene of your own. Bonus points if you somehow incorporate your first DTIYS submission into the scene. (@jfarms__ did this […]

DTIYS Winners April 2023

CONGRATULATIONS @add_art / @add_clay_art ! This month was absolutely wild, @dooodling_dan put up such a unique prompt and the Robot Army answered the call in a massive way. @dandyangelicavanniniart came in second place and @gematimur took 3rd and for the second month in a row got to top 3! Thank you to the entire Robot Army for sharing your art and showing each other so […]

Please click the button below for access to the submissions portal. This is powered by Google.

If you DON’T have a gmail account, no problem, there is an alternative form here, but please use the google form if you can as it makes the process much easier for us.

Use this form to raise any queries about artwork submissions for the DMAR Deck. Anything you send on this form will be received by the team responsible for realising the project as well as Arik personally. We will try to respond by email within a day or so.