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165 – Down Arik’s Rabbit Hole

We haven’t had one of these types of episodes in a while but it was long overdue. We had so many topics that we’ve been sitting on that aren’t big enough to take up a full episode, so we gathered them all together and brought them all up in one! You’re definitely going to learn […]


Another incredible month in the books! Congratulations @uh_oh_ you are this month’s DTIYS CHAMPION! 2nd place goes to @blue.monster.art and 3rd place is @abyss.illustrator . Thank you so much to @how_cxxl for putting together an amazing prompt and prizes for us this month and to all of the Robot Army Artists and Members who came through in a massive way. You all continue […]

164 – Moovin’ and Groovin’

~REST IN PARADISE TIKI ROB~ Let’s see if we still remember how to do this. It’s been a month since we last recorded and we’re finally back. We get up to speed on the big move, a friend we lost, moving stats, and 2024 so far. We are cooking up more fun episodes with some […]

DTIYS Challenge April 2024

New month = New DTIYS CHALLENGE! @how_cxxl has something incredible for us this month. He is offering $150 to the first place artist and $75 for the second place artist this month. We want to see your Animal Controlled Robots! Make is as epic as you can and in your own style. Please tag us in your […]


Congratulations @solanum80 for being this month’s DTIYS CHAMPION! 1. @solanum802. @arcanineart3. @vikingwithattitude4. @ram0nley Here is the placement of our top 4 this month as voted by the Robot Army. Thank you to all who participated and voted. I want to give a massive shout out to @nrdoggy for putting it all together with us this month, I hope you all follow and show @nrdoggy a […]

163 – Is anyone else hungry? Ft. Ashley Lanna

We finally got Ashley Lanna from @lullabythefearpodcast back on with us and we got to talk all about FOOD! Yes, everyone’s favorite topic was front and center as we discussed the history of fast-food, fast-food gimmicks, flops, regional exclusives and so much more! We had a blast and then went out to eat (Separately, in our […]

162 – The time Tyler got mad

Take a stroll with us through memory lane as we talk intros, movies, and a handful of rage inducing Tyler moments. We have movie and TV suggestions for you and some exciting upcoming news too!

DTIYS Challenge March 2024

HERE IT IS!! I am honored to be doing this month’s DTIYS CHALLENGE with @nrdoggy , we are looking for the top 4 this month, good luck everyone! I’m fortunate to be this month’s DTIYS artist for @ so here it is! The rules are simple. Recreate your own version of this mask, create your own robotic […]


By just a 1 vote margin @attempts_were_made1 is this month’s DTIYS CHAMPION! 2ND PLACE is @dickdavid_sketches3RD PLACE is @jp.drawz This was an incredible month and I was once again left in awe of the level of talent in the Robot Army! Thank you so much @dandyangelicavanniniart for making this month incredible for us with such a fun prompt, I really hope […]

161 – Jon Noto drops FACTS!

It’s been way too long since we last had our favorite NY Tour Guide Mr. Jon Noto on with us! He’s finally back and the amount of knowledge he drops on us is just insane. Jon is one of those people that inadvertently teaches as he talks and we not only learned so much but […]

Use this form to raise any queries about artwork submissions for the DMAR Deck. Anything you send on this form will be received by the team responsible for realising the project as well as Arik personally. We will try to respond by email within a day or so.

The submission form is coming soon.
We expect to have it working by Friday July 5.
Watch this space.

Please click the button below for access to the submissions portal. This is powered by Google.

If you DON’T have a gmail account, no problem, there is an alternative form here, but please use the google form if you can as it makes the process much easier for us.

Use this form to raise any queries about artwork submissions for the DMAR Deck. Anything you send on this form will be received by the team responsible for realising the project as well as Arik personally. We will try to respond by email within a day or so.