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Congratu­lations to

for leading the field of


By just a 1 vote margin @attempts_were_made1 is this month’s DTIYS CHAMPION!

2ND PLACE is @dickdavid_sketches
3RD PLACE is @jp.drawz

This was an incredible month and I was once again left in awe of the level of talent in the Robot Army! Thank you so much @dandyangelicavanniniart for making this month incredible for us with such a fun prompt, I really hope everyone follows her page she is one of my favorite artists! Let’s get ready for next month, we have an artist who is LONG overdue to be a prompt artist, Mr @nrdoggy !!!

Please click the button below for access to the submissions portal. This is powered by Google.

If you DON’T have a gmail account, no problem, there is an alternative form here, but please use the google form if you can as it makes the process much easier for us.

Use this form to raise any queries about artwork submissions for the DMAR Deck. Anything you send on this form will be received by the team responsible for realising the project as well as Arik personally. We will try to respond by email within a day or so.