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Dandy Angelica Vannini Art

Name's Angelica "Dandy" Vannini. Born in March '93, I'm a self-taught artist based in Forte dei Marmi (Italy). That’s where I have my lab-study-boutique, the Armadillo Factory, were I work, promote my art and my clothing brand. I'm a weirdo, probably an alien. Looking for unicorns in the spare time... I work as an international freelance illustrator as well, and via social I was able to get in touch with awesome other artists and commissioners. Imagination and creativity are the air I breathe: I ALWAYS create new things, drawing and writing fantasy stuff. I love making fanarts, but I’m a pro at designing brand new incredible stuff as well. Actually, I shall say I am the best at it! And, yep, I’m modest!

Robot Army

some recent additions to this website