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DTIYS Challenge
November 2022

Sorry for the late start in the day BUT I have a massive DTIYS Prompt and Artist for you all this month. @freakykissdesigns is an absolute legend, a lot of you already know and love her art and dope style. This month it’s your turn to share your STARS with us! We want to see […]

DTIYS Winners
October 2022

WE ARE DONE! And October’s first place goes to the epic art above by @spel_killz 2nd. @dandyangelicavanniniart 3rd. @benson.ink Congratulations to our top 3! Thank you so much @sketched_reality for putting together this amazing prompt for us this month and a massive shout out to the entire Robot Army. You all always show up and […]

DTIYS Challenge
October 2022

October 2022 NEW MONTH = NEW DTIYS CHALLENGE! This month we have a prompt and awesome prizes from @sketched_reality ! Make sure to follow both pages and tag us in your posts to be qualified to win. you can draw your version of this month’s prompt OR ANY Pokemon you want but it has to […]

Midget the Giant

Hey I’m Zach aka Midget The Giant, from Ontario, Canada
I’m a Hobby Artist/Metalhead/General Shit Disturber
I do traditional art, I’ve loved drawing since I was a little kid, and over the past few years I’ve started to experiment with painting. I can’t draw a straight line, but who wants to look at straight lines?


Hi, my name is Christoffer aka @c.e.a.l I am a traditional style artist from Sweden who’s art is anything but traditional. I have been in the Robot Army for years and look forward to many more! As well as the instagram link on the logo here, be sure to check out my NSFW page @welcomebackcage


My name is Zeropsyche, I’m a graphic designer based in California.
I work primarily in digital art, but I have roots in stop motion and hand drawn animation.
My biggest influences are comic artists Jhonen Vasquez & David Finch to name a few.
I’m mostly self taught aside from the odd class, and huge support from my family early on in my development.

Dandy Angelica Vannini Art

Name’s Angelica “Dandy” Vannini.

Born in March ’93, I’m a self-taught artist based in Forte dei Marmi (Italy). That’s where I have my lab-study-boutique, the Armadillo Factory, were I work, promote my art and my clothing brand.

I’m a weirdo, probably an alien.
Looking for unicorns in the spare time…

I work as an international freelance illustrator as well, and via social I was able to get in touch with awesome other artists and commissioners.

Imagination and creativity are the air I breathe: I ALWAYS create new things, drawing and writing fantasy stuff.
I love making fanarts, but I’m a pro at designing brand new incredible stuff as well. Actually, I shall say I am the best at it!
And, yep, I’m modest!

120 – Phobias and Fetishes

***THIS EPISODE IS EXTREMELY VULGAR, PLEASE BE 18 + TO LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE!*** Ft Ashley Lanna What do you think of our new Intro theme music?! Ashley Lanna made it for us! This episode was way too much fun to record. We’ve been waiting for this episode to happen for a while, and luckily […]

121 – Jon Noto

Okay, full disclosure here. This was initially going to be an “I want to be A:” Episode but Jon Noto is so freaking interesting that it became an entire episode. We knew it even before we started recording so luckily we had SOME questions ready, but Jon is an absolute force. We can also now […]

Team T & A Festivus Roast

Welcome one and all to the first ever Team T&A Festivus Roast Ft. Ashley Lanna! We’ve been waiting for so long to do this, and we finally had a chance to air out our grievances to one another and share it right here with you! We took turns ripping one another to shreds and we […]